How to Make 50 Dollars A Day Passive Income

“We’re gonna learn how to make 50 dollars a day passive Income – in the next 12 months”.

I’m going to explain exactly how to make 50 dollars a day passive income online, what idea you need, what website and theme do you need. How to get traffic, how to monetize the traffic. It’s not gonna be like a get-rich-quick scheme, it’s not some sort of a shortcut to get success in a week. It’s going to be a pretty long process.

And I’m going to give you my secret way for getting more traffic, that I’m conjured by. Most people are still unfamiliar with and aren’t optimizing for. This is gonna be a beefy post. We got a lot to cover so I’m not gonna ramble. Let’s get going.

If you start a new website this month and by next year this month, this site will be making 50 dollars a day in passive income and probably more than this.

OK folks! There’s a lot to cover in this post, and it’s gonna be a pretty lengthy one. So, I’m just gonna try not to ramble here, and keep it concise.

This is not going to make you 50 dollars a day in passive income next week. This will not have you making 50 dollars a day in passive income next year. But this is a way that actually works.

All that stuff people are promising you about being able to do it like overnight! It doesn’t work. Those people are misleading you and trying to take you up to sell you their useless product, whether in sort of some course, or get rich quick digital scrap, eBook, or something like that.

This process takes a little bit longer. It actually works, not to mention if you create a site in a niche, you really love, there are going to be all sorts of fringe benefits that come along with that, like notoriety in your industry, free stuff, free trips, and so on.

It can be great on top of all the passive income. But it will not happen overnight. If this is not what you want. If you’re trying to do it overnight, go buy someone’s product for 500 dollars that they’re gonna sell you, and then come back to me when it doesn’t work. Then we can start this all over again and recognize it’s gonna take a few months, maybe a few more than a few months, maybe a year, but it’s going to work. You just need to do it properly.

Okay just head to get that out of my system.

1- Pick a Niche

Okay, the first thing you need to do if you want to make 50 dollars a day in passive income as well, is you need an idea. I’m going to tell you what your idea is.

You’re going to start a niche site. You’re going to start a blog where you’re going to monetize it through affiliate marketing and display ads and everything, we do all of these steps are geared towards making you as much money as possible.

If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, they’re essentially special links. If you click on the link and you buy the product then you get a commission. And display ads are essentially other people’s advertising on your website so when people are browsing through you see an ad that’s a display ad. Every time you see it, somebody’s making a little bit of money.

So that’s how we’re going to make the passive income.

But unfortunately, to get to that point there’s some active work. Okay so we know we’re creating a niche site. The first thing you need to do, you need to pick a niche.

Ideally, the niche is going to have the following criteria.

Lots of products for you to review!

Lots of high-end products and lots of mid-range to low-end products

People like to spend money on

So that when you’re getting started you can invest in some of these things. Do reviews and then work your way up to the higher dollar products which are gonna pay larger commissions. You want this industry to be something that people like to spend money on.

For instance, if some site is about pets, people are obsessed with pets. This niche has a great search volume a day, in millions. Because people want to get and spend money on pets, their food, their caring staff, and so on. There’re a ton of different affiliate opportunities and lots of things that I can potentially review.

When you’re thinking about your niche think about areas where people have money, areas where people are excited to spend money, and generally bigger industries where there’s gonna be a lot of opportunities to create content. Because if you can’t create a lot of content then you can’t get enough traffic in order to make your 50 dollars a day threshold in passive income.

2- Come Up with 50 Posts

You’ve got an idea. The next thing you’re going to do is come up with 50 post ideas. You have to do sit down on your computer. Why do I say this? because if you can’t come up with 50 post ideas then you’re probably not going to be able to have enough content down the line to make this happen.

In order to be able to carry this thing through to the end, you need to be consistent in your work. Because I’m not saying this is gonna happen overnight. Realistically, it’ll take probably six to twelve months but after that, once you’ve got that base then it’s a lot easier to scale up from 50 to 100 to a thousand dollars a day.

3- Set Up a Website

Alright! we are progressing!  You got your niche; you got your post ideas. Now we got to set up a website. What I would do is I would go to Bluehost.


I would sign up for hosting with it. Bluehost is fantastic, especially for people that are getting started with freelance services websites. Start with its basic plan having 2.95 $ per month.

basic plan bluehost

It’s optimized for WordPress which is what we’re going to be building this on. I generally recommend starting with Bluehost if you are making your personalized niche site. You can go with other hosting as per your preferences.

Chose a theme

I personally use generate press theme from Generate Press.


It’s being used and trusted by more than 3.5 million websites. It’s awesome, it’s fast, it looks good, it’s easy to customize and I’ve found that it’s been great for search rankings. It’s a free theme, and it’s up to you if you’re interested to buy its pro version to get advanced features.

I recommend starting with the free one, and after along once you’ll get familiarized with it, you can figure out later to buy its premium version or stick with a free one, totally up to you.

Install Yoast SEO plugin


Going to install Yoast. This plug-in is going to help you with your SEO.

Then you’re going to install wp product review.


This is a free plugin that’s going to make it really easy to do product reviews on your site if you’ve ever searched google for product name review you’ve probably seen a bunch of stuff that came up with 4.7 stars out of 5 reviews.

This free plugin is going to allow your search results to have those things in there and it’s going to make it really easy for your readers to see whether or not you like a product or not.

From there I would also get either the lasso plugin or if you don’t want to spend the money on it, then the pretty links plug-in is the alternative. Lasso plugin will make it really easy to connect to amazon display. All your affiliate links and make it easier for people to click and then buy making you money.

4- Spend Five Hours A Day Researching Content

The next step to getting to those 50 dollars a day and passive income is to spend 5 hours researching content. There’s a lot that goes into this but, probably most importantly is the keyword research.

What are people actually searching for?

How difficult is it to create a piece of content and rank for that search term?

What are your competitors doing?

How many backlinks do they have pointing to their site?

All these things you can be doing to research and essentially, you’ve to figure out what is the right type of content to create.

So, you’ve already got your list of 50 different content ideas. Well, now we’re going to take those ideas and figuring out what key terms do we want to actually use.

What should this title actually be, that’s going to get a lot of people searching for that term, that’s going to get people clicking on that term and then get you to traffic in the process.

If you’re not sure where to start I’ve got a post that’s all about keyword research so I would start with that. I use the tool SEMrush which I think is fantastic because it allows you to explore so many things around different keywords, different backlinks, competitor websites. It’ll do an audit of your website to make sure everything looks good.

And if you don’t want to spend the money for it, they’ve got at least a seven if not a 14-day free trial so I’d sign up for that at least get all the information you need and go from there but doing this research and figuring out exactly without a shadow of a doubt.

What is the best content to be created for traffic for your readers? To answer the questions and solve the problems they have. That’s going to be key to getting off on the right foot and getting traffic to your site.

Make a Spreadsheets of your Research



Then you’ll need to take all this information, and you need a place to keep it organized. Create a spreadsheet so the keyword that you want to rank for how many searches terms a month. It gets what your headline is going to be and the blog post.

When you’re creating the article by having the spreadsheet and having all of your posts and all of your keyword research in one easy-to-read spreadsheet, it’s gonna make it a lot easier for you to stay on top of things and create content on a regular basis.

6- Research on Affiliate Programs

Alright, next up is to focus on creating content. You wanna start doing a little bit of research on affiliate programs because we are doing this to make money. We need to make sure that within your industry or niche, there are products you can review that you can potentially make money off.

So, what I normally do is just type in product name or company name affiliate program, see what comes up. Mostly, companies have their own affiliate program, so you can work directly with them and make anywhere from five to fifty percent for referring people to their business or product they are selling.

The most common affiliate program in the world is the amazon affiliate program where generally you can make around three percent for every product that you refer to. Just to say, if you click on a link to buy a book from my website and then you buy the product, I’ll get a small commission in that case, without putting an extra cost to you.

It’ll probably be like 40 cents but the good news is if they buy anything else, say they buy a Rolex along with that book then I’m gonna get commission on that too, which actually happened one time I may get a 500-dollar commission because somebody bought a Rolex through my amazon link.

Doing this research early on about the affiliate programs, that’s going to help to dictate your content a little bit because if there are affiliate programs that maybe pay 40 dollars, whereas a similar product they only pay 10 or 3 percent. If it’s only available through Amazon. Then it might help you prioritize the one that’s going to have the higher commission. So, you can start making more money more quickly.

All right everything we’ve talked about. I mean you should be able to do this in a week, a weekend. I mean the research, getting your site set up, coming up with your idea, that’s all stuff doesn’t take a whole lot of time.

The Real Challenge

The time-consuming and challenging part is “creating the content”. And the great thing about this is that content is gonna work for you forever. I still have posts that I wrote a few years back that still get hundreds of visits a day, which is, I believe, a sort of long-term investment.

So, you’re going to start creating a lot of content but this content, that’s going to work for you for a long time to come.

Content Types

There are four types of content you should start creating early on right now! In order to maximize the potential of the site, these are –

  • Product reviews
  • Best “posts”
  • “List” posts and
  • “Personal” content

Here’s what I mean by that product review, pretty simple, product name review! This is the best blank on the market.  I love product reviews because they’re one of the fastest ways to build trust with your audience as long as you do it authentically. Also, get traffic because a lot of times people are searching for product reviews before they buy something.

Because generally, people who are searching for a product review are looking to buy something. So, if your review persuades them and they click your link and buy the product, you can start making affiliate sales really quickly. So, product reviews are awesome.

The second type of content is best posts. These ones are great because they piggyback off your product reviews. So, let’s say I’ve done product reviews for five different books about content writing and then I created a post, i.e., best-writing books that link out to each of the product reviews that I’ve done, and that’s telling google hey I’m kind of an authority on these books on content writing.

It will be giving people more information in establishing your trust if they see that you’ve reviewed five different products in the same category then they’re gonna be like oh! This person really has done his/her due diligence. They know what you’re talking about and then chances are if you’ve given them all of these options, they don’t have to go to search other sites to find reviews. You’re doing it for them.

Not only is it a good way to get traffic, but it can be a great way to make affiliate sales as well, especially in tandem with similar product reviews.

The third type of content is list posts, it’s kind of like,

  • 10 best
  • 10 worst
  • 10 things I regret
  • 10 mistakes to avoid
  • How To’s

All that kind of stuff people love that. When you’re doing your keyword research, figure out what your keyword is and then work that into a list post. That’s going to be something clickable.

The secret I mentioned, my kind of secret way to get traffic that we’re going to talk about at the end of this post relies heavily on this. Just tuck that away keep that in mind!

Phew! How we are doing!

I know this is a lot of information. We’re covering a whole process that you could literally create a whole course about it.

But bear with me, we’re getting through this!

Finally, the fourth type of post is personal content. This kind of content is merely to build a relationship with your existing audience.

How do you get them to trust you?

How do you get them to like you?

How do you get them to be entertained by you?

How do you get them to want to see more from you?

That’s in the personal content. So maybe it’s just telling personal stories. Maybe it’s opening up and being vulnerable. So, you’re telling the world, hey! I am actually a real person and you can trust me, because you can’t trust me, right! Not really that! That sounded cheesy! But you can trust me.

These sort of posts may not necessarily get you a ton of traffic, not a rule of thumb. But they’re great for getting the traffic. You need to get stick around and come back and follow along on your journey.

So, these are super effective in starting to get your ‘first visitor’ to your website, and realistically for the next three months, that’s just what you need to do take those four types of posts cycle through them. Create content three times a week like Monday Wednesday and Friday. Product reviews, list posts, best of the post, and personal content.

Do that for three months. Come on!  I know it seems tedious, it seems boring, but what we’re trying to do is build a base of content and establish you as an authority.

That’s all I’ve been doing on slightly pretentious. Here’s what I actually do

I post a couple times a week.

I haven’t been doing outreach

I haven’t been doing social media

I’ve just been creating content. It’s been crazy because my traffic has increased exponentially and I’ve done no outreach, I’ve done no marketing, I haven’t been trying to get backlinks.

All I’ve been doing has been creating good content based on the research that I did early on. So, for the next few months, that’s what you’re going to do. It’s going to be work but I bet, it’s going to pay off when you got all that Sweet! Sweet! Passive income coming in.

7- Create a Free Email Opt-in

Alright, the next thing you should do when you’ve created some content and you need to, have a little bit of a change of pace is you’ve to create a free email opt-in. You want to give people a really compelling reason to get on your email list.

For instance, how to get started building a niche site. So, create something that people are going to like. That’s genuinely useful and valuable and start building your email list.

Because again that strategy that I said I was going to talk about at the end for getting traffic. It pretty heavily relies on having at least a little bit of an email list you don’t have to have. It’s already working for me with slightly pretentious and I don’t have much of an email list.

You can pour some gasoline on it if you do. Aim to make some free gift, somewhere in a two to five thousand words range. You can use the tool beacon to create really quick pdfs which look great that people can download.

If you’re trying to figure out what email service to use. I’d Recommend ConvertKit.


I’ve personally been using it for years. It’s great, it’s simple and it’s powerful.

8- Get Involved in Online Communities

Okay you’re creating content, you’ve got your free gift, now you would get involved in the online communities within your industry

  • Facebook groups
  • Reddit groups
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter Hashtags
  • Paid forums
  • Other Social Networks

Start becoming a fixture in these communities so that when you decide to share something on your blog, people are gonna like it, as opposed to them just screaming about self-promotion and shameless plugs and all of that.

Say, there’s a couple of content writing groups you’re a part of on Facebook, and maybe once or twice a month you share something from your site. And because you’re not constantly blasting people with your blog posts, you’ll tend to get a lot of subscribers from there.

I get people that click over, they ask a lot of questions it makes things, engages people, then knows about me. If you continue to do this over a longer period of time you’re going to start to become known in your industry, which is an exceptional thing that you can do. Because again if you’re known and People like you, they trust you then they’re going to your site more often.

Getting Backlinks

Alright! Now, this is where typical advice would go. Do a bunch of outreaches and try to get a bunch of backlinks to your site because generally speaking backlinks are the currency of the internet. The more links you have pointing at your site from other sites, the better your search rankings are going to be.

And while backlinks can absolutely help, you do not have to go after them. For instance, like I said I have not done a single piece of outreach for slightly pretentious, still my traffic is inclined.

All I’ve been doing is creating content. If you’re an introvert and you don’t want to have to worry about that. You just have to create content. That’s all you got to do. Just keep creating content.

If you get a bunch of backlinks from reputable sites that can help, it can speed up the process. If you want to go down that road, don’t worry about it, don’t stress about if you don’t have to have backlinks to make passive income, at least, not early on.

Okay! We’re there! We’re at the end!

If you’ve been doing all this, and you go through this process for a year, you’ll be making 50 bucks a day in passive income. You can probably stop writing.

You can just let your site, sit there, chills. Update it a little bit as necessary and have a nice little side income. You can scale it up and be making a lot more than 50 bucks a day.


9- My Secret

Okay, as I promised you, I’ve got one little secret traffic tip that’s worked out really well for me. Want to know what it is?

It’s called “Google Discover”

Google discover came out in the summer of 2018 and so essentially what it is. If you open up the Chrome app on your phone and you hit a new tab and you haven’t already clicked on a link from somebody else. It’s going to come up with a list of recommended articles for you, based on your search history, your preferences.

If Google likes your site, if they deem you trustworthy, if they think you have good content then it can start doing it, they’ll start taking your posts and plugging them into google discover and if it does that, you can get an avalanche of traffic very quickly.

So why the google discover and getting these avalanches of traffic are beneficial to that passive income goal, and how that works? Let me tell you how that traffic actually turns into dollars. But first, I just want to give you some of the basics of how to be discovered on google discover. The first thing you need to do is you need to make sure your headline is very clickable.

Say, some boutique product review from some product nobody’s ever heard of.  It’s probably not going to work. But like one that took off for me was, “the 10 best writing courses you’ve never heard of”

So, if you’re a writer and you see that link come up to you, you’re like yes! I want to know what those are. You’ll click and the more people that click early on, then google is gonna dabbling your content.

Maybe they find your post, will show this to a few people. If a lot of people start clicking, then they’re going to show it to more people and if they spend a lot of time on your site reading it then they’re going to show it to even more people, and it can become this avalanche of traffic. All you have to have a good headline that’s going to get people to click on it.

Also, I noticed that they tend to favor images with videos and or photos. So, you have to use a lot of media to mix up your text keep it interesting have some nice visuals that are going to be much more compelling for google discover. It’s also going to keep people on your site longer which is one of the things that they look at.

The most important thing I’ve found with google discover, is google just has to like you, they have to trust you, they have to look at you as an expert. You may probably get 100 to 200 views a day Just from random posts on google discover for travel or for entrepreneurship or freelance writing, whatever your niche is about.

A little quick tip is you can go to Google Search Console. Register your domain and Google will give you all sorts of information about your search traffic. How long people are spending on your site all of this stuff including google discover. It’ll show you how many times they’ve shown a particular post on google discover. How many clicks people have clicked on from google discovery? I know that was just a brief overview if you want more information on google discover, let me know and I might be able to do a whole separate article about it but there’s a lot to cover there.

So, this is just a cursory overview.

Good News!

The good news is the Google has launched its plugin for WordPress, that is Google Site Kit. It’s a great plugin to get insights into how people are interacting with your site, and you can directly check your google analytics right from your WordPress dashboard. This is a must-have plugin to get all insights right into your dashboard.

10- Display Ads

Finally, display ads. We’ve done all of this work. You have built a niche site, you have become an authority, you have got product reviews, you’re making a little bit of money through affiliate revenue, you are getting traffic from search from google discover from the people that find your content and link to you.

But how on top of the affiliate revenue how do you actually turn that into passive income?  Well, display ads! Five years ago, that was a dirty word, all the advertisements were ugly, (well they’re still kind of ugly) but the networks just didn’t work very well and it wasn’t worth cluttering your site with ads for the amount of money you made.

But now there are a few networks out there specifically Media vine and ad thrive. That makes the user experience much better for you and they pay you a lot more money.

So, the goal here is to get to 50,000 visitors a month for Media vine. Once you’ve got 50 000 visitors a month then they will approve you to be in their network

On average I would say it’s like 50 or 60 bucks a day in ads and all that’s been because I’ve just created a bunch of content I’ve done. No outreach for breaking 50.

I’d rather say it time and again, create content. Through your google will reward you with traffic. People are gonna find you on discover. You’ll get some traffic from Instagram and social on that site. And that’s what you’re trying to do.

This is all about how you can make 50 dollars a day passive income online

I know this was a lot of information. We covered a lot of things. We went over a lot of stuff and you might be super bored. But if you follow that process you will be able to make 50 bucks a day in passive income over the course of the next year. I guarantee it! Frankly, if you put even more effort into it, you can probably get there a lot sooner.

I’m assuming you’ve only got 5 or 10 hours a week to do this and I think a year is a pretty reasonable time frame to be making that amount of money.

Okay, my fingers are sore. I’m tired to hit you with a real ground passive income stream. This has been a lot and you probably want to get to work creating your passive income niche site. Swipe your sleeves up and start working without a second thought!

May you have great endeavors in your passive income venture online.


So long!


You may want to read How to Build a writing habit.


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