Will Chat GPT Replace Writing & Copywriters?

There’ve been rumors on social media for days, many are preaching while others are whistle-blowing that Chat GPT is gonna replace all the works of writers, especially copywriting. No doubt Chat GPT is a kind of advanced AI that generates human-like text, even Elon Musk has praised its advanced GPT (generative pre-training transformer) structure.

elon musk tweet on chat gpt


Here’s the scary hell question in every writer’s mind nowadays, “Will Chat GPT the advanced artificial intelligence replace the work of writers and copywriting jobs?”

There are tons of software out there like Chat GPT and a whole number of other ones that can generate thousands of words with a single click in literally seconds. Naturally, if you’re a copywriter and you’ve seen these tools work firsthand, you might start wondering if you are still going to have a job in the next 12 months.

I’ve seen a lot of these software and I mess around with them a lot. I’ve seen a lot of smart people that I trust in the industry, I’ve seen their takes and their opinions on it. I think there are a lot of interesting things going on in the whole of space.

The reality is you can generate a sales copy from chat GPT and other AI software like that, you can generate a good structural copy, it generates words that sell products, and talk about features and benefits. Yes, it’s been a copy, it was kind of generic, but the words didn’t really have any “Soul” behind them.

So, the thing is yes, it can produce content really fast but everything you get out of this software is at least for now and I think for a long time it’s gonna be super generic. Now if you are a copywriter who writes generic content then yeah you probably should be a little bit scared after all.

What you’re writing is no better than what a machine can put out so yeah, you’re probably going to be out of a job. But most writers I know don’t write all Ultra generic low-quality content, I mean sure they’re out there. There are thousands, millions of people who do what we do, who write copy who write words that sell things.

But the thing is most business owners aren’t looking for generic copy and that’s the thing you need to understand the reason. Why a brand owner is going to hire a copywriter is not so they can get a more generic text. They probably already have a lackluster copy that doesn’t have any Soul behind it and that’s exactly what you get with an AI.

So all these people saying oh yeah AI tools are going to replace copywriters, the copywriting industry is done. I kind of get why you might think that I don’t see that to be the case. I haven’t seen anyone lose a Job to an AI bot yet. Are they out there?

So, every single writer that I know produces stuff that a computer can never do. An AI copywriting machine is never going to capture the lightning in a bottle that comes with the human touch. It’s kind of vague, there’s no power behind it, there’s no emotion behind it, there’s no feeling behind it, and there’s no real human connection.

The copy is about making that human connection between you the brand owner and the product that you’re trying to sell. Another thing that a lot of people haven’t considered is why do people hire copywriters in the first place? Why does a brand owner decide to hire a writer to help them out? Well, most of the time it’s because they have a bandwidth problem and you might think to yourself they can just use copywriting Software, an AI copywriting software, and problem solved, right? Wrong! Here’s why it’s wrong at the end of the day, the copy that you get from the AI machine is still going to need editing.

Every single piece of AI copy that I’ve seen requires editing. I’ve never seen an AI that can write like me. I’ve never seen an AI that produced something that I would ever be comfortable handing off to a client.

All of these things might help generate a lot of ideas and maybe Spark some new things that I haven’t thought about or maybe you know come up with a hundred of ideas for me that I can kind of rip off of, but at the end of the day, someone still has to put their ass in the seat and do the work to craft that into an epic piece of copy that’s going to work really well for the brand owner.

So the clients hire copywriters most of the time because they have a bandwidth problem. That means they have more stuff on their to-do list than they can ever handle on their own. One of those things is usually copying tasks. They need to hand it off to someone else.

So even if they bought an AI copywriting software and used it, they don’t have the time or the energy or the mental focus to go in and Tinker with it to get it just right to edit and to get it the way they want it to be, they still don’t have time. You can give those tons of Software, but they’re still not going to have the time in the bandwidth with mental energy to put forth into making that copy great that they get from the software.

So they still are going to need someone’s help, and that’s the thing that people don’t understand. Here’s something else to consider, let’s say I’m wrong and you’re like, Mister you are completely wrong, or let’s say you’re reading this two years from now and there are no more copywriters because the AI has just gotten so smart and overtaken all the writing stuff that humans do, and there’s no copyrighting left. But still, they can’t run any of your marketing programs they still can’t go into a brand and determine what it needs to do to grow, and they still run any kind of promotion or selling campaigns.

What is the next best move for that client to continue to grow the revenue from copywriting, email marketing, building automation, fixing deliverability issues, designing templates, making changes in the flyers, split tests, reading replies from customers, and using that data and that voice of customer research to come up with new creative copy hooks?

These are all things that an AI can’t do and AI can’t be an email marketing list manager. So no matter how advanced AI could be, I still can’t perform these tasks.

So the thing is if you are worried about AI copywriting software. But if you are then just continue to upgrade your skills. Just continue to get better at marketing. Build up your talent stack, you don’t just have to be an email copywriter. You could be an email marketing list manager or ads campaign manager.

There are lots of different ways that you can take it and there has never been more AI copywriting software than they’re right now. That’s what you need to understand with all this. You need to realize that it’s up to you to up-level your skills.

It’s not really that hard to write better than an AI copywriting machine. You should check out some of the copy that these things come up with like sure it’s a lot of words and they can do it really fast and it’s cool but probably doesn’t take a lot of

The effort to write something much better than what these machines produce. I just don’t know if a computer will ever be able to be a human because computers or AI doesn’t have a soul and you do remember that, do not despair. There’s never been a better time to be in this industry, in this business doing the work that you are doing right now. So keep on growing, and keep on developing your skills.


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