Why You Should Consider Starting Freelance Writing

The question may pop up in your mind why freelance writing is the best lifestyle business for beginners, for people that are just starting out, for people that have never done anything online. There are so many reasons why I think freelance writing is such a good starting point for people that want to do this. That’s what this post is about.

I’m gonna give you all the reasons why freelance writing is where it’s at. I’m excited about this one. Let’s unravel this.

You want passive income! That’s it! You want to go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and want to see that you made 500 bucks without doing anything and people make money like this.

It may seem so easy to many people to think like oh! You just throw up a website with an affiliate link, and then you go to bed and you’re a millionaire. Unfortunately, that’s really not how it works. The thing most of those marketers don’t tell you is that to successfully create passive income, to create eCommerce stores, to create affiliate sites.

You gotta have a certain skill set, you’ve got to be a marketer, you have to know the psychology for how to do those things and that can be a difficult thing to learn right away. And so if you jump right into creating something like that, chances are you’re gonna be disappointed because you don’t have the skills, you don’t have the background and you haven’t put in the time to cultivate those skills. So what inevitably happens, you get frustrated, you stop working on it you go back to your day job and you forget about your dreams of ever being an online entrepreneur, that’s it.

That’s what happens to most people but that’s why we don’t start there, that’s why that’s not the best buy you get there eventually and everything I’m going to teach you is going to be a sort of stepping stone for that but freelance writing is a much better starting point. So here are some of the reasons why I think freelance writing is the best place for beginners to start building an online business.


1. It’s a Skill You Already Have

The first reason why freelance writing is such a good starting point it’s because it’s a skill you already have. Whether you consider yourself a good writer or not you can write on some level or another so you don’t have to learn that skill you can hone it, you can get better at it but it’s a skill you’ve already got. You don’t have to learn how to do email marketing, you don’t have to learn how to do eCommerce, how to set up a website.

Necessarily by being able to leverage a skill you already have you don’t need to worry about spending the time to build that skill and learn how to do something you can just jump right into. Start trying to find the work for it and that leads us directly to the second reason.


2. It Meets You Wherever You Are in Your Writing Journey

Why I like it is because it meets you wherever you are in your writing journey. So if you say you only have a high school education you don’t think you’re a great writer. Well then there’s SEO writing really low-level basic articles that aren’t necessarily going to pay you a ton, but they’re a great starting point.

If you’ve got your master’s in psychology and you’re a persuasive genius then you can go get really high-paying work as a copywriter. And if you’re somewhere in between and you know how to write a blog post or you can send a Facebook status update then there are thousands of jobs out there. Just as a Content writer that will pay you good money to help a business or an organization or blog or whatever it is, create content.

There are so many different types of writing jobs out there that whether you’re a good writer, a bad writer, a non-English speaking writer, a technical writer, and so on…there are opportunities for you and there are very few things online that can meet you in so many different places regardless of what your skills and background are.


3. It’s Easy

Next one it’s easy. It’s really not hard. It’s not like you’re digging into code and doing something super technical. That’s probably another one you don’t. It doesn’t take technical skills but the fact is it’s easy. There is a proven process for how to get freelance writing work. It is really not hard work it is not difficult.

It is simple that doesn’t mean it’s easy to build a business, the work is simply the consistency and the mindset that it takes to actually do it and get it to the point where it’s profitable and sustainable. That’s a difficult part and takes a lot of work. Most people won’t have the discipline to be able to do it.

But the work itself is easy. Writing a blog post is easy sending an email to someone to pitch your services that’s easy. Creating a website with WordPress to market your services that’s easy. That’s all stuff anyone can do whether you’re 18 or 80, anybody can do these things.

You just have to be diligent enough and consistent enough and disciplined enough to do all the steps it takes to get there. And there are some steps it is a process and that’s where most people will fail. They might not have success for the first few weeks to the first few months and they get frustrated and they get beaten down and then someone says they can’t do it.

And they start to believe them and so then they don’t do it and then they go back to their day job and then they say no to freelance writing. There’s no work to be found. It’s a horrible way to start a business online. Well if you’re one of those people then you’re probably making one of the mistakes we talked about in my post on freelance writing mistakes you should avoid.


4. You Don’t Need Technical Skills

And the next one just to quickly mention again something we just touched on is that you don’t need technical skills. You don’t need to know how to code, you don’t need to do anything fancy with graphic design or anything like that.

You don’t need the advanced degree, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist. You just need to be able to put some words down on a piece of paper. You need to know how to follow up consistently. You need to know how to be a reliable human being that does what your client says they’re going to do.

If you can do those things, you can be a successful freelance writer and I trust you can do those things even if you haven’t done them in the past. I bet you have the capacity to do it. You just need a little help and a little motivation and I can help you with that. That’s something you’re interested in.

5. You Can Do it From Anywhere

Now the next reason why I think freelance writing is the best way to get going online is actually one of my personal favorites and that’s you can do it from anywhere.

I know the people who make enough money to live on to travel, to do the things they wanted to do, and that was it. They travel indefinitely based on their freelance writing. So whether you want to go through Asia with your freelance writing business or whether you just want to work from home, spend more time with your kids, be able to take a bath every morning, or whatever it is you want to do.

Freelance writing is a great way to do this because you could do it from anywhere. You can do it on your own schedule. Whatever you put into it, that’s what you’re going to get out of it so if you want to work 80 hours a week, marketing your business and hire writers to work for you.

You can build a giant six-figure business freelance writing relatively easily. Again it’s not hard work, but it’s hard to be disciplined enough to put in the work. The fact it allows you to do so many great things and have so much freedom of flexibility with your time.

I think that’s one of the best parts of freelance writing.


6.You Can Make a Real Living

Yeah! You can make a real living. If you are persistent and consistent in your freelance writing career. You can generate a handsome passive income that’s enough for you to make a cozy living style. You can do whatever you want, live with your hobbies, travel a lot or whatever you like.

All you have to do is to be consistent in your freelance business and rank up your work with clients and businesses with massive budgets that just want someone who’s knowledgeable and reliable. And if you can be that knowledgeable and reliable person and create high-quality content, then freelance writing can be one of the best things that ever happened to you.


7. It’s a Great Bridge Business

Finally, the last reason why I think freelance writing is such a good business for beginners is that it’s a fantastic stepping stone and a bridge business to all sorts of other types of things. Is freelance writing super glamorous? No, or most of you can be freelance writers for the rest of your life, probably not.

But the great thing about it is it’s teaching you skills that are gonna be helpful no matter what you do online by setting up your website. You’re gonna learn how to create a website, you’re gonna learn the basics of design, you’re gonna learn about SEO, you’re gonna learn about copywriting, and how to be persuasive with your words. You’re gonna learn how to send emails so that they get positive responses.

You’re going to learn how to work with people. How to pitch yourself, you’re gonna learn how to invoice and how to do accounting. You’re gonna learn all the skills you need to be successful with an online business and once you jump into freelance writing with the skill you’ve already got, you’re gonna learn all of those other skills.

All those other business skills are gonna be helpful no matter what you want to do in life and that’s what I think is so cool about this type of business is. It becomes a training ground for all those skills that you need down the line having that website, going through that process sending those pitches, working with those clients, those are all teaching you skills they’re gonna be really beneficial as you expand down the line.

So that’s it. I think those are some of the biggest reasons why you should consider freelance writing if you’re just getting going if you’re trying to figure out what lifestyle business do I want how am I going to be a digital nomad how am I gonna start making money on my own so I can quit my job and travel a world or spend time with my kids or whatever it is those are the reasons why I think freelance writing is the best gateway business, the best bridge business into this lifestyle.




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