How Can You Start Freelance Writing Business While You Work Full Time

Are you eager to start your freelance writing business even if you’re full-time engaged in your business or doing a full-time job, even if you have kids and family? How do you actually make progress when you already feel totally overwhelmed and you don’t have enough time? Most of you want to know how to start a freelance writing business while you are busy all day long.

I’ll teach you how to make time to start your freelance writing business even if you think you’re too busy. Because I get it, you got a job, you got kids, you got a social life, you got things you want to do that don’t involve more work but you also want to have a life to enjoy.

1. Schedule Your Time On Weekend For Upcoming Week

Step number one every Sunday figure out when you can work on your freelance writing business. So, I suggest at least five hours a week because that’s gonna be enough to help you start to build some momentum.

Ideally, the recommendation is to work for 10 hours a week, but we’ll start small. I know you’re overwhelmed you got a lot going on we got to ease into this so step number one every Sunday schedule the blocks of time when You’re actually going to do the work, it could be half-hour chunks at a time, it could be five hours all day on Saturday, whatever it is, put that in there because that’s actually going to help ensure that you get this done. You are going to schedule your life around making sure that these windows of work happen and if you don’t do that it will constantly get pushed off to the side. It’s never gonna happen and you’re gonna be like I don’t need a life. I’m gonna go to the movies with my friends.

But when it’s in the calendar, it becomes more set in stone you’re making that commitment to yourself which is important and it’s gonna get done.

2. Know What You Are Working

Now you got to know what you’re working on. If you sit down and you’re just like huh okay I got some time I’m gonna just cruise through Facebook and post some funny videos of my cat on social media and call that work, it isn’t like this.

You really need to think through what are the most important things that you can be working on. Figure out what those are and schedule into each of your time blocks and keep in mind how much time you have for working on this if you only have a half-hour block. Maybe you want to do something small like just buy your domain, that will take you ten minutes to get that done, check done.

But if you only have a half-hour block, you probably don’t want to, say, install your WordPress theme and try and customize the whole thing that’s probably gonna take more than half an hour. You want to do that when you’ve got like 3-4 hours chunk and you can learn the ins and the outs and you can spend some time with it.

So be cognizant of how much time you have and schedule those tasks accordingly but those are the first two steps if you only do these two things, I bet those are the biggest ones. Schedule and plan for exactly what you’re going to be working on each of those times and I guarantee you will start getting a lot more done than you are right now even if you have a busy schedule.

3. Cut-Out the Things That Not Related To Your Success

This one is of utmost importance. You need to ruthlessly cut out anything that doesn’t lead directly to building your brand, making money, getting clients that’s it.

Let me exemplify this by spending hours and hours tweaking the colors to get them perfect on your site that nobody cares about. That’s not gonna do anything. That doesn’t kind of work time. That’s the sort of work you can do in your free time.

You need to focus on the things that are going to help you get your first client, help you start making your first dollar. Because once you’ve done that, you’re actually going to get excited about this. That’s when you’re gonna be like oh! It was great. I can do this anywhere. That’s when you’re in sushi, get excited once you’re actually making money.

So, your first step is everything you need to focus on is getting to that point where you’re making money.

You need to make sure you get your site up and running as quickly as possible so people can come back, they can check you out they can make sure what you’re talking about, they can make sure you’re a real person and that you are a good writer. And then you need to start focusing on getting those clients to need to be sending letters of introduction all the time you need to be reaching out to people that want your services.

Send a proper email to build a relationship with people that are looking for writers that are the key to doing this, that is the key to finding your first freelance clients. So, focus on the things that are actually going to help make you money and build your business.

Once you start doing that and start making money, even if it’s just a small amount at the beginning, you can get excited about the fact that you now have a real business. So that’s it, that’s how you make time.

First off you make a commitment to yourself and you say this is actually something I want, this is really important to me I want to have this freedom, this flexibility, I want to be able to make money for myself and I’m not relying on a paycheck from somebody else. Make that decision if that’s what you want right now and you have committed to yourself.

Summing Up

Okay! What we’ve discussed is to be a successful freelance writer in a busy life.

Schedule time make sure it’s on your calendar it is set in stone, it is a non-negotiable set time even if it’s only five hours a week, and start working on that.

Second, know exactly what it is you’re working on and make sure when you are scheduling what you’re going to work on for each of your time blocks. Make sure that you schedule the appropriate tasks for the amount of time you have, otherwise you’re not gonna finish. It’s gonna get pushed back you’re gonna be all out of sorts and it’s not gonna get done. So definitely keep that in mind and if something does take longer than the

The time you had allotted then before you close your computer say okay, I’m gonna readjust my schedule next time, we’re gonna finish working on this and then we’re gonna move on to the next task. So, make sure you’re constantly adjusting your schedule based on the work that you’ve done.

Finally, ruthlessly and I mean ruthlessly! Cut out everything that does not lead to growing your brand, making money, or getting clients that’s it, don’t do like, I’m just gonna make this logo look great and focus on all the colors because I love colors that are great. No! No! Send emails, get clients! That’s it.

Don’t focus on unnecessary things on the time when you have to work a lot on creating content. Setting up logo, adjusting schemes, choosing a perfect theme and layout, these all are the secondary things which you have to do in your spare free time.

I hope you get it. Thanks in advance for heeding my advice. It’s gonna help you a lot in your writing journey. Best of luck in your writing career.


Bonus Tip:

You can check this handful of resources on the freelance writing business. This book has a lot of information to launch and consistently pitch your services so you can grow and scale your freelance writing side hustle into a full-fledged career you really love.

freelance writing business


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