Freelance Writing or Blogging: What Should You Do?
blogging vs freelance writing

Freelance writing or blogging? If you are just getting started on the internet in 2023 I think those are your two best options. The work is fairly similar you’re writing blog posts for both of them, but how you get paid and how you grow your business with each gonna be a little bit different.

So which one’s better and which one’s right for you this year? That’s what we’re gonna talk about in the coming lines.

Ok, let’s just make this easy. If the most important thing for you with your online business is to make money as quickly as possible then freelance writing is the best fit for you. There you go! Done!

It is much easier to make money quickly as a freelancer than it is to make significant amounts of money quickly as a blogger. This is especially true if you’re just getting going and you don’t have a bunch of marketing skills if you don’t know how to get traffic to a website or if you don’t familiar with search engine optimization or if you aren’t a great copywriter and can’t write compelling headlines and titles and emails then freelancing is the way to go. You’re gonna make way more money way faster.

Why would you choose to freelance over blogging? Well, one because it’s easy, two because it’s a skill you’ve already got? You probably know how to write at least on some general level and the great thing about freelance writing is no matter what your skill level is, there is a type of freelance writing out there for you.

If you have a sales background and you are a compelling writer then you could be a copywriter. If you have a specific background maybe it’s finance or health or tech then you can become a B2B writer and you can get paid for that specific expertise that you’ve got. If you’re just a random dude that knows how to write halfway decently then you can become a blog content writer.

There are millions of writing opportunities out there for people just doing general content writing and if you’re not super confident in your writing, or maybe English is a second language then there’s SEO writing. This isn’t quite as common anymore but you’re essentially writing low-level freelance articles that people aren’t actually meant to read. You’re not going to get paid as much but there’s also a much lower barrier to entry because the quality doesn’t need to be as high. So with freelance writing how much money you can make and how quickly you make that money is just a numbers game.

Here I’ll tell you what in two minutes let’s break down exactly how to make money freelance writing in the next two weeks. Go to google and start making a list of as many potential freelance writing clients. You can find one of the best places to start is through agencies. You can google like digital marketing agency Portland, digital marketing agency New York, digital marketing agency Seattle, and marketing agency, use all sorts of terms like that and you’re going to find thousands of potential companies.

Put all the contact information in a spreadsheet. You start going down the spreadsheet and contacting people with a personalized letter of introduction introducing who you are, your background and why you think that you might be a good writer for them. Start that relationship and then see where it goes if you can contact 100 companies in the next two-three days, cool! You’ll probably get your first job. Is this work fun? No, it’s tedious. You gonna get rejected a lot, but does it work yeah it does.

So how much money you make with freelance writing solely depends on how motivated you are and how consistent you can be with your outreach.  Now obviously there’s a little bit of an element of luck for some people. It’s going to take more than 100s for some people you could send 10 and get 2 jobs from 10 letters of introduction.  So it’s going to be different for every person but that is the process and anybody can go through this process you can get started right away.

It’s very clear, it’s very easy and we’ve got multiple posts here that walk you through all the details of how to do that. So to be clear freelance writing is for you if you need to make money as quickly as possible. If you’re a halfway decent writer, you’re okay with some tedious work as you’re getting started and you like taking the direction you like getting feedback from a client as opposed to having to do all the creative heavy lifting yourself. If that sounds good to you then freelance writing is probably going to be a better fit than blogging.

On the other side, blogging it’s got its benefits too. So why would you choose to blog over freelance writing in 2023? Well first off blogging for most of us it’s probably going to be more fun as you build your freelance business. You can niche down to a topic that you’re knowledgeable of or maybe a topic that you even are really excited about.

Like most people as you’re getting started, you’re going to start out as a little bit more of a generalist and you’re going to take whatever job someone’s willing to send you with blogging. You get to write about whatever you want and so if you love a specific niche, cool you’re good to go.

You have full creative control, you can make the site look however you want. you can write content about whatever you want, you can market your way to be seen, and however, you would like to show up to the world that’s pretty exciting. That is a lot of freedom and flexibility and it allows you to create something unique that maybe nobody’s ever done before. I believe that’s one of the big appeals of blogs.

Blogging is also a great way to build relationships. What are the odds you’re sitting at a bar I mean like pre-covered times when you can sit at a bar, not wear a mask and talk to strangers. But what are the odds you’re sitting at a bar and the person sitting down next to you has all of the exact same interests as you probably not very likely, but if you start a blog, all of a sudden there’s a way for people that have the exact same interests as you to come and find you.

You can build connections and you can build relationships with these people that you are very likely to be friends with because you have that commonality. When it comes to blogging you don’t just write a 2000-word article and then wait for your payment to come over for a couple hundred bucks for writing the article.

No, you post it up there but it’s up to you to figure out how to monetize it. are you monetizing It is through affiliate links, are you monetizing it through display ads, are you trying to get people on your email list, are you creating a product or a course? Are you creating a membership community?

You have to figure out how to do that and if you don’t have a marketing background or if you’re not willing to put in months going into years to learn all of those skills and learn how to do it then you’re not going to make a whole lot of money. And that is the hard part with the blog is you can’t necessarily fast-track that process.

Sure if you know what you’re doing and you have a team of people maybe you’ve got some money to throw at it you can grow a blog and start making money much faster. But if you’re just an average dude who doesn’t know what they’re doing and you thought you wanted to start an online business then it’s going to take longer to make money blogging.

Another benefit of blogging is you’re building yourself an asset that you might be able to sell down the road.  I’ve seen on flippa that people are selling their blogs for over a million dollars. There are people that have sold their blogs for over 10 million dollars with freelance writing.

You can’t do that unless you turn your business into an agency and you hire a bunch of writers and you’ve got a bunch of steady clients but it’s much easier to sell a blog or a website than it is to sell a  freelance writing-related business.

So I told you how to get started freelance writing but how do you get started blogging, well go get a domain name. You get a hosting account, you install WordPress and then you write 50 articles about your topic.

If you do that, you have a certain amount of success, you don’t have to go build links you have to market your business in a crazy way. All you got to do is put the content out there, and make sure your site is relatively google optimized and if you have 50 high-quality articles around a specific topic you will start to get traffic and you will start to get some traction.

So there you go that’s kind of the breakdown between freelance writing and blogging

Need to make money quickly, go freelancing

Want to write about something you actually love, do blogging.

So if you were to ask me which one is right for you I would say for most people the answer is probably freelancing because freelancing is going to allow you to build some skills, some income, and some momentum so that you can build some confidence in yourself as you’re getting going online.

And once you have a little bit of money coming in from that, then you can start working on the blog and you don’t have to worry about monetizing it right away. Often I see people start their first blog and

All they care about is how can I make as much money as quickly as possible. That’s the wrong approach to take. You’re not allowing yourself to serve your audience and build your trust with the audience because you’re too concerned about how you’re gonna make a quick buck.

But if you have the freelance income coming in then the blog will kind of take care of itself and you don’t have to worry about making money quickly. I didn’t really try and monetize for like two or three years after I started. I think that’s kind of the right approach. But that being said if you don’t really need to make money right away this is kind of a side project and you just want to build a business that you enjoy then a blog is a great way to do it.

People are going to tell you blogging’s dead, everybody’s doing everything on social media. Here’s the litmus test. When was the last time you searched for something on google and anything from social media came up  Instagram post, Facebook post, Twitter tweet, or Tik Tok?  The last time you searched Google and a Tik Tok showed up don’t happen, blogs show up! and that is why blogging is not dead and in fact has come full circle and is more popular than it was even a few years ago as people are kind of getting fed up and sick of social media and it’s getting saturated and people are sick of all the algorithm changes and all the stuff.

Blogging’s not dead, still a ton of opportunities out there in blogging.

So there you go!



These are two great options for building an online business. and if you would like to start building a blogging business or a freelance business I highly recommend you go through my other posts that are gonna walk you through how to get started and give you some good step-by-step starting points, all I got for you.

If you’re looking to build a business with your words that’s what I help you with here and I hope you have an excellent day.

Stay blessed!

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