5 Reasons Copywriting Can Change Your Life

Starting a blog is by far the best thing I’ve ever done for my life in business. The reason I’m endorsing it is that it completely changed the trajectory of my life and I’ve had experiences that I never could have imagined, I’d have all because I bought that domain, installed WordPress, and started writing. But through the process of blogging, there’s one skill I have learned that has been just as important to my success as starting that blog.

Guess what that is based on the title, yeah, and that is copywriting. Learning how to be persuasive with my words and that’s what I’m going to talk about.

I’m giving you the five reasons that you should consider learning copywriting in 2023 and beyond if you’ve been trying to figure out the best way to start an online business the best way to start something on your own, the best way to just start making more money and be self-sufficient.

Copywriting is the skill that is going to be most valuable in getting you there. So, here are five reasons why I think that you should start learning Copywriting right now. Just a real quick, I want to make sure we’re all on the same page here before we jump onto it. What is copywriting? When you’re trying to be persuasive with your words so if you are writing a headline for your article and you’re trying to persuade someone to click on that, that’s copywriting.

If you’re writing a Facebook ad, that’s copywriting. If you’re sending a letter of introduction and you’re trying to get someone to respond to you and take that action, that’s copywriting. So anytime you’re trying to persuade someone to do anything that’s copywriting.

1 Get More Freelance Clients

As a freelance writer, the best way to get more freelance clients is to get better at copywriting. I’ve talked about this in my other posts the best way to get freelance clients is by reaching out to people via cold email. Well, what is that email that you’re sending? That cold pitch, that letter of introduction, what is the skill you need to make that effective and get a response? It’s copywriting.

You’re learning how to be persuasive with your words so if you want to get more freelance clients you need to get better at copywriting and better at pitching them. Want to learn more about cold emails? You can check the post on five tips for improving your cold outreach emails. So, if you want to get more freelance clients you need to improve your copywriting skills, your outreach emails are more effective

2 Your Email List Is Valuable

Okay, number two what’s the most valuable asset I personally have as far as my business goes right now aside from my business bank account. It’s not my website, it’s not my URL, it’s not my social channels. It’s my email list. Every time I send something out to my email list, I’m sending it to tens of thousands of people which means there are tens of thousands of opportunities to get someone to click on a link to buy a product, to engage with me in some way. Everything else could disappear and if I had that email list, I would still have a business.

But getting people on an email list is a kind of hectic job. People don’t want to be spammed like their email is one of the most valuable things they can give out. So how do you get people to get on your email list? Well, you’re gonna have a landing page, you’re gonna have an opt-in box. You’re gonna have a call to action somewhere you’re going to have a place for them to enter their email and say I want more information from that person and how do you get them to take the action, put that email in, and hit enter? Well, you got to be persuasive, you’ve got to have copywriting. You have to give them a compelling reason to do so.

So, getting better at copywriting is the best way to learn how to write headlines that capture their attention at the first sight. How to create potential products that are going to make them want to enter their email address and hit subscribe and get that free product you might be giving away.

So, the email list is incredibly valuable, and if you want to build your email list and want to build that asset for yourself. The thing you should be focusing on is building your copywriting skills because that is the thing that’s going to get people over the edge and push them to sign you up.

3 It Can Help You With Your Personal Life

All right, the third reason you should consider learning Copywriting is that it has nothing to do with business. It can help you with your personal life. Think about all the times you’ve been debating with a friend or family member about what movie you’re gonna see, what event you’re gonna do, and how you’re going to spend your time? If you are good at copywriting, you can be more persuasive than other people.

So, it’s not just like persuading them to do what you want but also making it kind of a win-win situation. Learning copywriting skills will make you a much better communicator in that regard.

4 It Will Help You To Think Better

Being a better copywriter is going to help you be a better thinker. When you are starting to write down a piece of copy and starting to consider what you’re going to do to be persuasive, you must think through several things. Most importantly, what action am I trying to get the other person to take? So, if I’m creating a sales page, I’ve to think about all the things that are going to play into someone wanting to buy from me.

So where is this person? At what goals are they trying to accomplish? What problems are they facing? What are their struggles? What do you need to say to get them to trust you and realize that you’re the real deal? What do you need to talk about as far as features go that is going to get them engaged and want to buy the product?

So, thinking through all this allows you to better organize your thoughts. It allows you to be better in your business and do a better job of just understanding all these various aspects of your business. So, if you’re trying to improve your business, if you’re trying to improve your thinking, and trying to be a better planner, and a better communicator, copywriting is one of the most important things you can do.

5 Copywriting Is A Veritable ATM

Finally, the last reason you should learn copywriting in 2023 and beyond is that when you get good at it being a good copywriter is giving yourself a veritable ATM. You can make money whenever you want, and I mean that in all seriousness.

If you’re persuasive with your words, then you’ll be able to say you want to make money with affiliate marketing. So, you’re going to do product reviews. You review the product, and you can do it in a way where you can be persuasive and get people on board with your way of thinking and get people to want to, and eventually actually click the link and buy the product, getting you paid. That’s how you can make passive income right there. Once you have an email list that we talked about in step 2.

Every single time you send an email that is an opportunity to make money. If I send a promotional email for my site without fail, every single time I know I’m gonna make some money. I’m not saying that to brag, I’m just saying that because it’s a reality.

If you can be persuasive and you learn how to do this properly and you can do it in an authentic way and be truthful with the people that you are reaching out to ATM because there will always be ways that you can monetize the skill of copywriting.

If you can devote yourself to learning that skill and especially if you niche down and become one of the best copywriters in your particular industry there are so many opportunities out there. Whether it’s sending emails, whether it’s writing sales pages, whether it’s creating products, whether it’s writing affiliate reviews, whether it’s doing it on a freelance basis, and being a freelance copywriter for other companies, you will never be hurt for money again.

So, if you’re truly sitting here and you’re like man! this year I need to figure out how to support myself so I can quit my job or pay my bills or not be destitute and you’re trying to figure out how do I do it? What do I need to learn? What do I need to build? This is what I’m telling you. Start learning how to be a copywriter, plain and simple all that is.

The best thing you can do I will link to some of my articles below and that will help you in our copywriting journey. But honestly devote your time to learning how to be a copywriter.

So, if you’re trying to figure out what to do in 2023 and beyond, how to build a business you’re trying to figure out how to make money if you’re trying to figure out how to be persuasive through Copywriting. it’s the best tip I’ve got for you.

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