The Aspiring Freelance Job Opportunity That Isn’t Writing
blogging regime

There’s a huge and aspiring opportunity for potential freelancers out there. You’ve been wanting to start an online business but the idea of freelance writing, it’s a little too intimidating if you don’t want to be that creative, you don’t necessarily feel like you’re a great writer but you still want to start something and you’re trying to figure out what that is.

There is a gigantic opportunity that most people are not capitalizing on, and I’ve searched a bit about this opportunity and found that there’s a huge space available on this gig that content creators are gonna love to pay a smart amount for this service, and is also not that much difficult to start out.

If you’re looking to start an online business that’s sustainable, makes good money, that isn’t freelance writing and you want to start this week then let’s head on to this!

Right before 10 years or so, the online content for years was blogging. Blogging was the thing that’s how people got their information, their entertainment. They follow bloggers and then Instagram came out and all of a sudden it went from blog reading on a regular basis to following these Instagrammers and I’m just gonna look at their pretty photos and read the captions and then all of a sudden Instagram decided that they don’t really want to be a photo-sharing app.

They’re going to do a short-term video just like Tik Tok. YouTube is still in there somewhere doing long-form content but now they’ve got Instagram shorts that are trying to capitalize on this short-term market.

With the short form stuff like Tik Tok and Instagram reels, or YouTube shorts, it’s a lot easier to get subscribers but actually getting that person to pay you to buy anything is kind of difficult. so you have to go back to the blog post and the long-form content because that’s how you get people to buy into you and trust you and then get on your email list and buy your products.

Now that’s a lot of stuff, a lot of different places you have to create content. There are a lot of different places where you have to become an expert on the platform an expert at creating content and an expert at sales.

That’s what the opportunity is currently we have all of these people that are full-time creators or trying to be full-time creators that are trying to make themselves known on pretty much every platform out there. Whether it’s Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, Blog, or Podcast. there are all of these different places people need to create content that you need to do on a regular enough basis to build a following to hit the algorithm.

But this is the good news if you can do that and if you can consistently put out high-quality content on each of these platforms. You’re going to see your brand and your business grow rapidly. But how do you do that if you don’t have a huge team of people? You’re probably not putting out three well-edited long-form YouTube videos a week and three blog posts and seven Tik Toks and seven Instagram shorts and YouTube shorts and all the Instagram stuff.

So how do you do all of that if you don’t have the time? Well, you become the person that helps people do all of that because you don’t need to create 17 different pieces of content to have it in 17 different places. You need to create one piece of content which you can then distill down into all of these different mediums.

Better yet you get somebody else to do it and that’s where the opportunity is for you as a freelancer! If you become an expert at helping people take let’s say a long-form YouTube video and you’re the person that can take that video. You can edit it down into little teasers little bites, little Instagram shorts, perhaps you can make it into a Tik Tok perhaps you can make it into an Instagram reel you then take that same content and it into a Long-form blog post.

So you do the SEO around it and all of a sudden you’ve taken this one piece of content and now it can be half a dozen different pieces of content without all that much extra work.

But don’t get overwhelmed. It’s not that much extra work for you but the original creator that had to create the video and write the video and publish the video, to begin with. It does feel like a lot of extra work for them because once they’ve published that first piece, then they’re on to the next thing, and then they’re trying to think about their sales funnel, their email list,  and all of the different things that go along with it.

If you can take that off their plate and take their video and turn it into a blog post, Instagram post, Tik Tok video, or YouTube shorts, and turn it into an email for your newsletter and you charge a flat fee for that. That is a huge opportunity and I know there are a ton of people out there looking for this type of freelance service.

Now you might be wondering how I get started with this if this is such a great idea. The easiest thing to do is to start it just like any other type of freelance work. Make a huge long list, a spreadsheet of all the people you would like to work with or people you think might be a good fit to work with. Look at bloggers, content creators, you tubers, and instagramers.

Anybody that’s creating social content that you think you would be a good fit to work with or you would like to work with, add them to the list, and add notes about who they are personally.

The great thing about doing this type of freelance work is all of these content creators that you would be reaching out to, are people that are putting their personality out in video format so you can see this is what they’re like. It makes it really easy to build rapport and send a personalized email that’s actually going to get a response.

I’d also make sure you go check out my last post where I discussed the 5 things every cold pitch has to have if you want it to be successful.

Now we’ve established how to reach out to these people what are you actually offering because they’re gonna say yeah that sounds great what are you going to do and how much is it going to cost me. So what I think you should do is productize this service. Think through how I can do the same thing for every client so it makes it easy for me to follow a process.

I personally would start with people that are on YouTube because what they’re going to be doing is creating a long-form piece of content. You can easily offer them your service by simply saying, hey! I’m going to take this long-form piece of content. I’m going to transcribe it and I’m going to turn that into a blog post that you can use on your website and I will do all the SEO to make sure that it’s optimized for the correct key terms. From there I’m also going to cut this video down and we’re going to turn it into an Instagram reel, a Tik Tok, and a youtube short.

So you’re essentially taking one piece of content and some of the highlights you’re jumbling it up and you’re putting it back together in a way that’s going to be meaningful for one of these other platforms. From there you might take it a step further, you might say I’m gonna grab three of the best quotes from your video and turn them into a graphic that you can share on Instagram or other social media platforms.

You’re giving people an arsenal of content to share across all of their social platforms as well as their own website. This is not going to take that much time on your part once you get into the habit of learning how to do the quick edits to take the long form. turn it into short-form content transcribe the content which you can use some online service like Rev to do for you or for the graphics you can use Canva to make really good-looking graphics for quotes and things like that.

This process is not difficult as it seems to be. It’s going to take you a little bit of time to hone in on exactly how to work with each client and then from there you would set a flat rate for what you’re going to provide.

Maybe you’ve got different tiers where if you just want me to make a YouTube video and turn it into a Tik Tok and a YouTube short then it’s going to be X amount. If you want me to turn it into a blog post that’s SEO optimized we’re going to add a little bit to that. If you want to do the graphics and the stuff to share on Instagram and Twitter you’re going to add a little bit to that. You can charge pretty easily 300 to 500 dollars per piece of content.  It’s gonna take you probably half a day, maybe a full day.

When you’re first learning how to do it but you get that down to be three or four hours. And if you’re charging 300-500 dollars for a project. In a lump sum, you could be making 100 bucks an hour without that much work while providing a ton of value to your client.

So here’s the point! Take someone who’s really good at creating long-form content that needs a lot of content and they need it in a variety of places. You help them take that long-form content and disseminate it out into a bunch of different other channels that are going to help them grow their platform, their brand, and their business, and at the same time, you are growing your business and repute as well.


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