How to Make Money By Freelance Writing

Freelance writing! passive income! It’s a great dilemma you hear people like me saying and wonder how to make money by freelance writing. Freelance writing is the best way to make passive income online (it is best because it is). The skills you’ve already got in some ways, there is a huge demand for this online. You can start making money really quickly through freelance writing. You can make a handsome passive income while you are asleep, driving for vacations, or doing a day job. But to head on to this, you’ve to do some sort of work to achieve this goal.

If you are currently a freelance writer, you are trading time for dollars, or you are aspiring to be a freelance writer, how could you also be able to make passive income where you’re not trading time for dollars. I’ve got the good news for you; you can have a cake and eat it too. You can make passive income as a freelance writer.

And you can still do that while bringing in your freelance income. I’ll show you the 5 best ways to make passive income if you are a freelance writer. So, let’s dive into the stream.


1. Start A Niche Site of Your Own

Alright, the first way you can make passive income as a freelance writer is to actually start a niche site of your own. There’re 2 big ways you can make money doing this. The first one is passive. If you start doing product reviews and start promoting affiliate products, you can make passive income from those reviews. As you start getting search rankings for your topic of choice, your niche site is gonna be ranked on google. You just need to stick around your specific niche, so google considers and recognizes you as the authority in your niche.  And that is the way people gonna considers you as a trusted brand & like your content and reviews.

The second way is going to actually increase your freelance business because you focused on a specific niche. For example, if you are doing freelance copywriting in tesla auto parts, the people find your site, and most probably the companies in your niche approach you to have a deal to do the copywriting projects for them.

So not only you are making money by affiliate reviews but also you are getting freelance work because you’ve established your own niche site in that industry and people are reaching out to do copywriting for them as well.

This works across just any industry you can think of. If you typically freelancing in one specific niche, consider creating an asset for yourself and start your own site in that same industry.


2. Promote Affiliate Products to Your Clients

So, the second mode to earn money through freelance writing is to promote affiliate products to your clients. Now this works really well if you are working for a smaller company, a small website rather than finding a giant agency, a 500 big fortune, that doesn’t pretend to them as much. But if you got a smaller one-off client, those people are going to have a digital marketing tool, they’re gonna have a hosting account and email service they use. That’s an opportunity for you to make a recommendation and potentially give them an affiliate link.

That’s the easiest way to build some passive income by having some affiliate links on your site and you can recommend your clients to buy through your affiliate links.

3. Do A Product Review as a Portfolio Piece

Okay, the third way to make passive income as a freelance writer is to do a product review as a portfolio piece. So, if you have your own website, you can then literally sell your services as a writer. You can have a sample, you’re gonna show how personable you are, how easy are you to work with. Right now, I am seeing a lot of people hiring out product reviews in the freelance world because those people know that if you can write for product reviews, you’re probably getting some traffic and you’re probably able to monetize that post.

So, if you use that as your portfolio piece, you’re gonna show off that I can do product reviews, I know this thing, the people then like to approach you to work for them and make reviews for their products. That is one of the benefits of having a little bit of blog component to your freelance writing services website. Every single time you post, it’s one more opportunity to show off your writing skills. And if you do that on a regular basis, you can start making some affiliate links in there, people are gonna look oh! this is a pretty savvy writer! We want to hire him for a regular sort of work.

4. Create Your Own Paid Newsletter on Substack


Alright, the fourth way to make a passive income as a freelance writer is to create your own paid newsletter on Substack. Substack is absolutely blown up over the last few years because it gives people a platform to create paid newsletters. And so not only can you go tell your friends about it, promoting your website, but if it starts to take off a little bit, it can be found organically with a Substack community. So, some of the bigger Substack creators are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year because they got newsletters, they are resonating with other Substack users.

Though it’s not totally passive in the sense. You’re gonna have to put in the work, your gonna have to research it and have to write every week or two for your paid members but those paid members can find you and pay any time.

So, all of a sudden you might have one, then ten, then a hundred, and then a thousand people that paying for this newsletter and you get to write in your own time and make passive income in the process. This works particularly well if you are an expert in your particular industry. And again, similar to the niche site if you build a Substack newsletter that takes you off and you get to be known for it, that’s just going to lead to more freelance clients as well.

You get kind of two folds; you get freelance business and you can create passive income and that’s the perfect business to get into.


5. Turn Your Business Into Agency

Finally, the last way you can make more passive income as a freelance writer is to turn your business into an agency. This works particularly well if you’re good at getting work. You just don’t have to do all the writing yourself. So, what you do is your client is paying you X amount of dollars, you then hire a writer and pay them a little bit less than the client paying you. They do all the writing work and you pocket the difference. So, there’s still gonna be a little bit of work for you to facilitate stuff between the writer and the client but it’s a way that you can make an extra without working all at yourself.

If you are building a really good system by making your agency, you can automate 90% of this. You got very little work to do and you can still make a handsome passive income stream as well.

Final Words

Freelance writing is not just as many people think to just write a piece of content for your clients, It’s completely a business you can build online. So you have to consider this as a long-term business. And you know that the business has no particular limit to growth. There’re tons of ways you can expand your freelance business online.


So long.


Also, learn how to make a $50 a day passive income!

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