7 Best Freelance Writing Jobs For Making 6 Figures

You’ve probably watched most of the YouTube videos telling you how membership sites, affiliate marketing and drop shipping …. are all the best ways to make a six-figure income online, and all of the people that told you that, well they’re all not probably right. Do you want to know the easiest way to make a six-figure income online? it’s freelance writing. The freelance writing jobs are pretty easy to get and start right away.

Not just any freelancing, there are lots of different types of freelance work you can do but it’s freelance writing. Freelance writing is the easiest way to build a six-figure income online right now because it’s a skill you’ve already got, there’s a huge demand for it and there’s a ton of opportunities out there for freelance writers.

I’m gonna tell you the 7 different types of freelance writing jobs that you can go out you can start today start making a legitimate income as quickly as possible and thrive and have the ability to do more of the stuff you like to do in life.

So, if you’ve been thinking about starting an online business and you’re trying to figure out what the best freelance writing jobs are, then this post is for you, continue reading.

1. Content Generalist

All right the first type of freelance writing you can get started in and you can build a six-figure business around is the Content Generalist.

Let’s just start dispelling some of the biggest myths out there right away and that is that you have to niche down if you want to be a successful freelance writer. Many of the most successful freelancers I know have made careers out of being generalists. Here’s a little secret! if you can take a random topic do some research learn about that topic quickly and then write a coherent blog post about it that is a very in-demand skill and not that many people can do it.

So, if you can learn how to take information about something you don’t know, distill it down, write about it that is a huge opportunity.

There are certainly benefits to niching down or pursuing one of the different types of freelancing we’re going to talk about here, I think for most people just getting started out, GO BROAD. Figure out what you’re good at, figure out what you like and then you can start niching down later on.

But There’s still a ton of money you can make as a generalist and there are plenty of them out there that are making six figures a year.  Don’t get me wrong! There are certainly benefits to niching down or pursuing one of the different strategies that we’re gonna be discuss down the way. But if you’re just getting started, there is a ton of opportunity as a generalist.


2. Niche Blogging

The second type of freelance writing you can earn a six-figure income with, is going the other direction, its niche blogging. There are so many different niche blogs out there, whether it’s cooking, gardening, camping, like there are so many different niche topics.

If you’re an expert in one of those things, then chances are there for you to get that opportunity. Many people who own websites around that topic, would love to hire you. If you are the person for a specific niche that you’ve got specific expertise in you. This will have almost an unlimited amount of work to do for you.

3. B2B Writing

This freelance writing is a veritable gold mine for freelancers and that is B2B writing. B2B means Business to Business. For example, Apple is B to C, business to consumer. Intel on the other hand is business-to-business, that makes products for other businesses. If you wanted to go buy a chip from intel, they wouldn’t sell it to you as an individual.

B2b writer is someone who writes business-related posts for b2b companies. The reason b2b is such a gold mine is kind of two-fold. The first reason is that most of these businesses that are looking for this type of work, they’ve got a ton of money to pay a thousand dollars for a thousand words article.

The second reason is there are not that many freelance writers that are approaching this type of work. Generally, the content might be a little more specialized or frankly, it just might be boring. So, a lot of freelancers are like ‘I don’t want to pursue that, I’m going to write about video games or outdoor’.

But if you go write something for Intel, you’re probably going to make some bank. So B2B is a huge opportunity that is often overlooked for freelancers.


4. Technical Writing

The fourth type of freelance writing that you can make a six-figure income from is technical writing. Let’s have our Intel example here, they might have blog posts they need to put out for their marketing purposes. But they might also need more technical-oriented content whether they’d be white papers or maybe instruction manuals for how to use some of their products.

Technical writing is a really good fit is if you have specific technical expertise. If you have a unique background like engineering, IT, or health, there is a great opportunity to get work as a technical writer, that requires a more in-depth knowledge base than your typical freelance writing.

Sometimes it can be a little bit trickier to get this type of work but if you actively pursue it, you might be surprised with how easy it is to find. The chances are, there aren’t that many people like you that have that specific expertise and often those people are doing work other than writing.

To find someone with that knowledge, that is actually a writer and is pursuing that on a freelance basis, that can be tough to find and it can be a great opportunity for you.

5. Copywriting

This is the kind of most effective freelance writing. If you can be persuasive with your words, you will never be hurt for money. If you can learn how to be a copywriter and how to sell people with your words, you will always have an opportunity to get freelance work to sell your own products online or just or get more of what you want in life by understanding psychology and how to get people to do the things that you want them to do.

But something you need to know with copywriting it’s all about confidence. You have to be 100% confident that you can go sell the thing that whatever your Client wants you to sell. And how do you get that?  Through practice!

If you want to be a copywriter and you haven’t done any formal copywriting training or anything. I would start your own website and I would use that as my training ground, your about page, your blog post, your email opt-ins, your Facebook ads, whatever it is. Track how you do with it, reiterate, test, see what works, see what doesn’t, and as you start figuring out what works.

As you start finding Yourself being more and more persuasive then you can maybe think about taking freelance copywriting on as a career. But oftentimes it only takes one or two clients to build a six-figure income with copywriting.

There is such a demand out there and the reality is most copywriters aren’t that good. So if you can prove to a potential client that you are good you can be responsible and most importantly you can get their client to do what they want them to do and help them with that process. Then you probably have a winner on your hands.

6 Ghost Writing

The sixth type of Freelance writing that can make you six figures is ghostwriting. What do you know how many successful business owners, celebrities, influencers, and just random people there are out there, that have a good story to tell and maybe are public figures but aren’t good writers or don’t have the time to write.

Yeah, there’s a ton of them out there so I hope you’re not naive enough to think That all of those people write their own blog posts, write their own books. So many of them just don’t have the time to do it nor do they have the skills. So, they get a ghostwriter to help them.

Let’s say a ghostwriter is helping a business owner to write a book, going to spend hours interviewing that person, and then They’re going to take all those stories, all that information and they’re going to start writing the book, blog post, stories or social posts.

On a much easier scale oftentimes, it’s like a simple blog post. The ghostwriter will write the blog post and then they’ll put the other person’s name on it.

So, the chances are your first ghostwriting jobs aren’t going to come because you pitched yourself as a ghostwriter. There’s a good chance you just send a general content pitch. Someone’s going to come back and like your work.  They want you to write for them, but your name’s not going to be on it.

As you start doing more of that ghost-written work then you can start to build your reputation as someone who can help important people sound important. And there’s definitely a niche for that, that can make you six figures.

7. S.E.O

Our last freelance writing job that can make you six figures a year is SEO, not SEO writing. I would say over fifty percent of someone who does SEO is writing. You’re rewriting content to be more search engine friendly. You’re rewriting headlines and metadata so that when it shows up in search rankings, people are clicking on that.

So, it’s kind of a combination of content writing and copywriting all in one. If you have any proclivity to learn SEO or if you’ve done some of it in the past, there can be a huge opportunity where you can take the writing skills you’ve Got.

You can take a little bit of your technical background combine it together and become freelance SEO that does very well. I know multiple SEOs that make well into six figures a year because well they’re worth it to their clients.

They can get their clients traffic and those people can turn that into money so they’re willing to pay a lot of money for good freelancers. They can increase their rankings.

I know that’s not necessarily what you would traditionally Think of when it comes to freelance writing. But there are very few good SEO people that are not good writers as well.

So, I walk you through exactly how to start building a Sustainable freelance writing business today, that’s going to help you bridge from where you are now to where you want to be.

If you’re in a job you don’t like if you’re struggling to make money, start freelance writing. Build up your income, your confidence, your skills, and then you’re gonna be able to focus on the thing that you’re truly passionate about, whatever that is.




Also Check:

How To Start Freelance Writing While You Work Full Time.

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