6 Freelance Writing Hacks

Are you a current or aspiring freelance writer? these freelance writing hacks can get you more clients, make you more money, help you build deeper relationships, and make running your business easier than it’s ever been? and I will sum it up in this 5 minutes reading. Would you believe me? Well! You may not!

But that’s exactly what I’m going to do because these six freelance writing hacks are going to completely change your business.

Okay start the timer and begin reading!

1- “It’s Totally Cool If”

Use those four simple words in every pitch or letter of introduction you write, something like

It’s totally cool if you’re not looking for writers right now and this isn’t a good fit

It’s totally cool if you don’t get back to me right away, I know you’re busy

By making it easier for them to say “NO”. It shows you respect them and their time which is actually gonna make them more likely to say “YES”

2- Grammarly

What if you could have an editor and proofreader look over all of your work before you send it to the client. Well, meet Grammarly. Grammarly is your new best friend in the freelance writing world. It will catch 99% of all spelling and grammatical mistakes before you send off that newly minted piece of freelance writing work to your client.

It saves you time, makes you look good, and your clients are none the wiser, but if they were, they would thank you for putting in all the extra effort.

3- Record A Video

Do you know how much time and effort most people put into their freelance writing pitches? very little, mail merge for the win! If you go even a little bit further and personalize your response that goes a long way but sending a personalized video along with that personalized pitch! Boom! Game over!

Just remember a little bit, keep it short and sweet and remember that tip, “it’s totally cool if” use that in your video as well.

4- Streak For Gmail

streak-for gmail

No idea how to keep track of all the people you’ve sent pitches to? are you even sending follow-up emails?  Streak for Gmail turns your Gmail into a CRM.

So, you can keep track of all the people you send emails to all the follow-ups, whether they’ve said yes, whether they’ve said no. And the best part is, it’s free!

If you don’t have a system for tracking all the people you’ve pitched, try streak it will change your life.

5- Send A Personal Card

When was the last time you received a personal card? I’m willing to bet, it was either never or you know exactly who sent it, and when they sent it because you never receive personal handwritten cards. If a potential client sends a response or even makes the time to hop on the phone call with you, you’d show your appreciation in ink, like real ink! You know, from a pen on a card.

You’re thinking of me like, what a crap! who’s doing that? Nobody’s doing that. So, what’s that gonna do? it’s gonna set you apart and make you memorable and that’s all.

It takes just a little bit goes a long way. Instant hack, who thought! go analog! Nobody’s doing that anymore.

6- Email Hunter


You know what you should never do. You’ll never send pitch emails to any team, info, contact, or support email addresses. Find the actual person you’re looking for. Start with LinkedIn. Figure out who the heck that person is. If you can’t find their email, use email hunter. It’s a chrome extension, all you do is go to their webpage, hit the chrome extension and it’ll show you all of the email addresses that have ever shown up on that website.

Nine times out of ten, you can find the email address for the person you’re looking for. Send that personalized pitch and not send like ‘to whom it may concern”, ah “hey I’m looking for”…” actually I’m from bla bla bla”. Totally not! don’t be bookish, that’s been archaic, obsoleted.

Personalize your email, be conversational. Find the person behind. Use email hunter.

So, there you go! that was six hacks to help you with your freelance writing business if you implement all six of these hacks. You’re welcome!

I guarantee you will not only make more money, but you’ll also get more clients, build more relationships, make your life easier because you got a system and that’s an important thing when you got a business.


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