5 Best Copywriting Exercises for Beginners

If you’re an absolute beginner and wanted to start your writing journey online, the best skill you can learn in life and in business is copywriting. If you can be persuasive with your words you will never hurt for money another day in your life. But if you’re a beginner how do you get good at copywriting? Here are the 5 best copywriting exercises for beginners.

Well for starters you can take these 5 copywriting exercises that I’m going to give you here. If you start doing these exercises daily I promise you within one month you’re going to be among the top 1% of copywriters in the world and I mean part of that is because most people aren’t copywriters.

So it’s pretty easy to be better than 99% of people if they never tried and learn this but if you learn this will not only improve your life, it’ll improve your business. You’re going to make more money you’re going to be happier you’re probably going to get more friends.

Let’s get right into it!

1. Handwrite Popular Sales Pages

The first copywriting exercise you can do to improve your copywriting is admittedly kind of weird you’re gonna be like why? that makes no sense. But it’s one of the very best things you can do and that is handwriting popular sales pages. Seriously I want you to spend half an hour to an hour a day finding popular high-converting sales pages and writing them out by hand in a notebook.

Why would you do that? Well, you read a sales page and you might get sold but you don’t really think about why you’re being sold. So if you read it slower you’re going to understand a little bit more about it.

If you write it down you’re going to have to go through every single word and if you do that over and over again you start to understand the persuasive tactics that are being used. The more sales pages you hand-write, the more patterns you see, and the more you internalize all of the psychological things that good copywriters and good salespeople are using against you.

By doing this not only are you going to ensure that salespeople aren’t going to sell you something you don’t need because they’re just really good at persuasion but you’ll be able to use these persuasive tactics in your life and your business to get the things that you want the very best resource I know of.

For going through this process is a course called Copy Hour it’s copyhour.com. It’s the best copywriting course on the planet and this is how I learned copywriting. By going through this handwriting process there are thousands of people in copy hour that are going through this exact same thing every single day.

2. Write 10 Headlines a Day

The second copywriting exercise I suggest you do is a hugely valuable one and that is to write 10 headlines a day. Pick a product, pick a topic and write 10 headlines about the same thing every day. The headline is the most critical piece of copywriting. because if you can’t get someone to click on the article to read it or if you can’t get someone to keep reading after they read the headline then you’re dead in the water, it doesn’t mean anything.

canon eosr

For instance, if most of your headlines are something boring like a Canon EOSR review you want to start thinking outside the box maybe something like why the Canon EOSR is the absolute best camera for vloggers or the five things I absolutely hate about the Canon EOSR either of those is going to be much more clickable than just a basic Canon EOSR review.

Years ago I learned a copywriting formula for headlines and that is something that the user wants plus a time frame plus an objection handling.

Something That the User Wants


A Time Frame


An Objection Handled

If you have one of those things in your headline it’s gonna be a good headline. If you have two of those things in your headline it’s gonna be a great headline and if you can fit all three of those things in your headline you’ve got a world-class headline.

The headline is to make a thousand dollars in three months even if you have a full-time job. So what are we doing to make a thousand dollars that’s something that you might want in three months we put a time frame on it, so you know what to expect even if you have a full-time job that’s handling objection because you might be saying well I’ve got a full-time job so I can’t do this.

Make a thousand dollars in three months even if you have a full-time job.  So as you’re going through your exercise of 10 headlines a day think about how you can take this formula that makes progress in your work.

3. Check Your Past 30 days’ Emails That You Opened

The third exercise I recommend you do is go through all of your emails for the past 30 days and simply look at all of the ones that you opened.

Did you take an action on it?

Did you click whatever the link was that they were trying to sell you on?

Did you read the sales page? Did it get you to buy a product?

What are the aspects of those emails that caught your eye got you interested got you to take an action and maybe even get you to buy something?

Again it all starts with the headline. So what was the headline in the email title that got you to open it up in the first place? What did they talk about that got you to click on the link and go to a sales page or go to read a blog post or whatever it might be, and then is there anything about the copy on that page that got you to take further action like buying a product?

You can learn a lot when you’re analyzing the things that you personally have been sold on. So take a step back, think about it, and ask yourself why was I persuaded to take an action on this particular thing. Make notes about that and then work it into your own copy.

4. Read Your Copy Out loud

The fourth exercise you should do if you want to improve your copywriting is to read your copy out loud. Oftentimes we write something and then we just kind of skim through it and we don’t actually catch some of the big mistakes or sentences that don’t really flow well. When you read it out loud, there’s nothing to hide behind how you read it and how someone else is going to interpret it.

So you might think you sound like kind of an idiot but I promise you when you find a stumbling block or when all of a sudden you get your words jumbled up, you’re going to be glad that you went through that process because it’s going to make your copy that much stronger and that much more effective.

5. Spend 30 Minutes a Day Writing Copy

Finally, the fifth thing you should do if you want to get better at copywriting is to spend 30 minutes a day writing copy and spend more or less but set aside time every single day to practice. Not sure what to write about? Here’s the guess

Write a sales page for a fake product

Do an affiliate review for a product that you love

Write a persuasive email and send a pitch to someone for your freelance writing services

There are all sorts of things you can do to write copy. Create Facebook ads for a fake product. The point is practicing every day is what is going to make you better. You need to have confidence in your ability to get someone to take a specific action whether that’s buying a product, whether that’s clicking a link, whether that’s opt-in to an email opt-in whatever it is.

You need to know that you can get someone to take that action and if you practice your copy, If you practice your headlines, if you hand write out the sales page, if you do all the things we’ve discussed here, you will get better at copywriting.

You will start making more money and you will have the confidence to know that you can do it whether you want to become a freelance copywriter and make money that way or whether you want to apply it to all of your own stuff like niche sites or membership sites or whatever it is.

It doesn’t matter if you are a good copywriter I said this before I’ll say that again that you will never be hurt for making money again in your life. It’s that simple. That is why copyrighting is so important and so powerful.

So swipe up your sleeves and let’s begin. Have a great day peace!

If you’re eager to learn more about the basics of writing you can check the post HERE

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