45 Common Blogging Terms You Should Know

Let’s discuss today some commonly used blogging terms and the reason I want to write on this is a lot of times you heard about these commonly used terms when it comes to blogging, freelance writing, making your website, and so on. If you don’t know what they mean and what process they describe or what software they’re talking about it can be sort of confusing. Therefore, I consider it very important for you to get familiar with these terms, which will help you down the road.

Okay! I’m going to cover very quickly in like a crash course. These are 45 blogging terms that you should know.

1. A/B Testing or Split Testing

So, the first one we’ve got is A/B testing, or what they call split testing. Sometimes this is where you test two different versions of your content to see which one will perform better, for example sometimes I’ll do A/B testing on my subject lines for an email, so I’ll write the same exact email but I’ll have two different subject lines I’ll send those two different subject lines to two different groups to see which one performs better and then I’ll send I’ll choose that subject line and then use it to send the emails to the rest of my list.

2. Above the Fold

Next, we have above the fold and this is the area of a website towards the top. If you can see something above the fold it means you did not have to scroll down to make it appear.

3. Active Income | Passive Income

You’ve heard a lot about these 2 common terms active income versus passive income. Active income means that you’re trading time for dollars like when you’re a freelance writer, you finish an assignment and get paid once. You don’t continuously get paid forever after but with passive income you’re no longer trading time for dollars. It allows you to consistently make money because you put in the work upfront.

For example, the online courses you’ve made and then you can sell them again and again without having to create the course again and again.

4. Adword | Adsense

Adword and Adsense are both google companies. AdWords is when you pay Google to run your own ads for your own product or website. Adsense is when you let google display ads on your site and then hopefully earn a little bit of cash.

5. Affiliate

An affiliate is just somebody who promotes a product or service that belongs to someone else and if they make a sale through their custom affiliate link, they receive a commission at no additional cost to the customer or buyer.

6. Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is simply the percentage of visitors who viewed only one page of your website before leaving to another site.

7. Bundles

The bundle is a term commonly used for where you can group your services or products together and sell them at a package deal. Oftentimes this is done at a discount or promotional deals.

8. Click Rate

The click rates are the number of people who have seen your content versus the number of people who actually clicked to view the content.

9. Content Calendar

The content calendar is often known as an editorial calendar your schedule for publishing content for your brand.

10. Content Upgrade | Lead Magnet

Another content word is a content upgrade or lead magnet. This is something valuable that you offer users in exchange for their email address as they join your email list. For example, you might offer a free workbook that would be your content upgrade and that’s what would be emailed to them once they sign up for your email list.

11. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the number of people who have seen your content or product versus the number of people who actually read or purchased it. Say, if a thousand people have landed on my sales page and 100 of them have purchased my product then my conversion rate would be 10 because 100 divided by 1000 is 10, simple math.

12. cPanel



The cPanel is just simply the dashboard or control panel that you’ll find in most hosting companies that just gives you easy access to various functions of your website. It’s just like the control panel available in your windows or mac system that control the backend operations of the software.

13. CPC

CPC or cost per click is the cost of each click that you receive on one of your ads. For example, you’ll see this in using Google or Facebook ads.

14. CPM

Another term that sounds pretty similar is CPM which is the cost per mile and typically we use this when we’re talking about ads that you show on your website or when talking about your ad revenue. This is how much you receive per 1000 impressions. For instance, if the CPM that your ad company has given you is 2 dollars and you have 10,000-page views per month that means that you’ll receive 12 dollars per month.

15. Domain Name

The domain name is simply the website URL that you purchase for your site. A domain name is the unique address of your website. This is your identification over the internet.

16. Evergreen Content

The evergreen content is content that you have created that is not theme or year-specific. It will stand the rest of time throughout the year. For example, my post 10 reasons will make you love blogging is evergreen but the topic like ’10 Christmas deals of 2020′ is not evergreen.

17. Favicon


The favicon is the custom icon that appears at the top of your browser you can often change this in your dashboard settings for your website.

18. Funnel

The funnel is the pathway or a process that you choose for your visitors to lead them down a specific path that you think would optimize their experience and or increase your conversions.

A good example maybe like you write a blog post that has paleo content and inside that blog post you have a very specific paleo grocery list subscriber incentive and it gets them on your email list and then once they’re on your email list you offer them a paleo meal plans product that you have created.

There is a certain sequence of actions that you have to take and work them down that funnel that pathway to optimize their experience and then hopefully increase your conversions.

19. Google Analytics


Google Analytics is Google’s web analytics software and it tracks users’ traffic, insights, and data on your website. There are alternatives but this is usually the one that most bloggers use and I recommend using this.

20. Hex Code


Don’t get scared this is just the custom color code for a specific shade of color you’ll use this when you’re trying to change your branding colors on your website.

21. Hosting

Hosting is a service that every blogger, rather I would say everyone uses to store their website online. It’s similar to paying rent for your blog domain and hosting are two different things so the domain is technically the address and hosting is “building” located at that address. Many companies providing hosting services, like Bluehost, GoDaddy, HostGator, etc.

22. Infographics


The term ‘infographics’ is just simply a collection of information presented in a graphic form. Oftentimes you’ll see these on a place like Pinterest.

23. Interlinking

Interlinking or internal links is where you link to another piece of content within a blog post or your page. For example, I am linking my post on “how to make money by freelance writing is another post on my site that I’ve created. This is what we call interlinking or normally internal links.

24. Landing Page


The landing page is a web page that you have created that acts as a single page. It usually doesn’t have any links to any other products. No other pages oftentimes we’ll use it for like subscriber incentives or sales pages for our products and by eliminating all the distractions, not having ads, not having any other links.

it helps increase our conversions.

25. Long-Tail Keywords


It’s pretty easy to understand. It’s just long-tail keywords and these are simply keyword phrases that describe your content.

26. Media Kit / Press Kit

A media kit or also known as a press kit is something a little more involved. It’s a document or it can be a collection of materials used for promotional purposes. For example, let’s say that you’re an affiliate for a company, they’ll give you some infographics that you can use promoting their products, that would be their media kit.

If you’re trying to get sponsors, maybe you send a company your own media kit and this will contain statistics from your blog to show why you’re a worthy brand to work with. So, this is the collection of materials that would be used for promotional purposes.

27. Meta Description


A meta description is a short summary of your content that appears under that little google search result for that particular page. It’s describing what’s on the page that you’re gonna talk about.

28. Monetizing

This term is mouthwatering for me and most of you as well. When we’re talking about monetizing this is the process of creating a system to make money and profit from your brand. For example, I monetize my brand by selling my own products or having affiliate links, or utilizing ads on my blog and my YouTube channel.

29. Niche

You’ve heard this “niche” word a lot of times when you’re planning or thinking to start your blog site, your YouTube channel, and so forth. The niche is simply the blog topic that you choose to write about like food, travel, health, beauty, gardening are the common niches. The more specific you are in your niche, the better off you’ll be.

30. Open Rate

The open rate is just the number of people who saw your email compared to the number of people who actually opened your email. If you send an email to a thousand subscribers and 400 of them actually open the email, then your open rate is 40 because 400 divided by a thousand is 40 percent.

31. Organic Growth

Organic growth is typically referring to your traffic that has a natural increase of your page views, to your blog traffic, or your fan base. That just occurs naturally over time, which means you haven’t paid for that traffic in the form of paying for ads or anything of that nature.

32. Page Views

Now we probably all get familiar with what page views are, but just to recap, the page views are actually the number of views that a certain page from your site has received. So those are the page views but then you can also add the total for all of the pages and all of the views that those pages have received and then that would technically be called monthly page views.

33. Permalink

Permalink is the custom URL that each page and blog post on your site receives. You can modify it for a better user experience or SEO. So, a permalink is the custom URL that you give to that page or that blog post.

34. Plugin


A plugin is a tool that is composed of custom software and this is something that you can install on your WordPress site, for example, a google site kit plug-in.

This plugin will manage and get insights of your website like google analytics and search console right into your WordPress dashboard.

35. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This is a topic we can talk about for an hour, but search engine optimization is really where you are doing certain things to optimize your site to give yourself the best chance at appearing on the first page of a google search engine.

If you have a site that runs really slowly or doesn’t have any of the long-tail keywords that we talked about earlier that describes your content then you are not really optimizing your site, you’re not really utilizing those SEO practices.

And if you have a site that’s running quickly and you’re using really great long-tail keywords to describe your content then you are optimizing your site for google then you will have a better chance of appearing in search results.

36. Slug

A slug is really easy to describe much easier than SEO it is simply the text that appears after the slash on a page’s URL. So bloggingregime.com forward slash whatever comes after that is considered the slug.

37. Subscriber

A subscriber is someone who joins your email list often after signing up for a subscriber incentive.

38. Subscriber Form


A subscriber form is a form that you create and place on your site that users can use to sign up for your email list.

39. Theme

A theme is just simply the design that you install on your WordPress. There are probably hundreds of thousands of free themes that you can use for your site.

40. Unique Visitor

The unique visitor has a lot to do with your google analytics or when you’re looking at your page views. This is another one of those phrases that describe a certain number. A unique visitor is an individual user that visits your site so he may view one page or may view many pages but it only counts as one individual visitor in your analytics.

41. URL

URL is a uniform resource locator, which means the address of a given resource on the web. Like my website URL is https://bloggingregime.com

42. Upselling

Upselling is a sales technique and this is where we offer another product of ours while our customer is getting ready to check out another product. For example, when customers are checking out for the course you’re offering and your offer them another one of your products that they might be interested in.

Once they are at the point where they’re filling out the checkout page information that’s why it’s considered an upsell because you only offer that product on that particular page when they are getting ready to check out.

43. Webinar

A webinar is online training, but oftentimes it’s used to highlight your own products or sell your own products or even highlight a product that you might be an affiliate for. You teach them something and oftentimes that leads to even more about how to do XYZ, you might be interested in this product.

44. Widget


A widget is something that you will only find in WordPress. Essentially it is a bit of content that you can add to certain areas throughout your website. If you’ve ever wanted to add content to your sidebar and you’re in the dashboard of your WordPress site and you’re moving things around and you’re getting all technical. If you want to add content there, you’ll often add it to the sidebar widget. So, you take all your content to insert it in the sidebar widget and that’s how you get it to appear on your site.

45. WordPress

WordPress is a site you use to build your very own site or blog and publish it on the internet.

It is the free open source content management system that allows you to make your website. It is the most popular website publishing source on the internet.  About 455 million websites are using WordPress. I always recommend new bloggers to start building their website on WordPress because the dynamics that WordPress offers, have no comparison to any other CMS platform.

So that’s all for this post. Hope these terms are not a lot easier for you to understand. Thanks for sticking around.



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