10 Reasons To Build A Business Around Your Passion
blogging regime

Should you really consider building a business around your passion and around the thing that you love most? Should you turn your passion into a profession? Should you try and monetize it? What if I give you 10 firm reasons to build a business around passion right away?

A lot of people will say No. They’ll say it doesn’t matter if you’re passionate about something, you just need to support yourself. So go do the boring work and do what others are doing and become a part of a rat race, and do what you want to do in your free time.

Build A Business Around Your Passion

Here’s why I’m here giving you 10 solid reasons you should build a business around your passion and around your hobby because that’s what I’ve been doing for over the years. I’m giving you all the reasons that starting a business around things I love to do has been well phenomenal. So if you want to be pushed over the edge then this post is for you.

1 It Will Help To Build Relevant Skills

First and most importantly, it’s going to help you to build relevant skills. Let’s assume the type of passion business I am talking about is some kind of content-based business. So a blog, maybe it’s a YouTube channel, something on social media! Because that’s what I’ve done that’s what I’m familiar with.

So that’s what we’re going to be talking about here. No matter what you do online, having a set of useful skills is going to be relevant and so when you create let’s say a blog around that thing you love to do. You’re now going to have a sandbox, you’re going to have a place to learn and apply all of these useful skills.

So things like how to write a blog post, the basics of design ideas, how to set up a website, how to edit your photos to make them look good, copywriting, SEO, all of these things are skills that are going to be relevant to know. No matter what you do online or in your career, if you don’t have a way to practice them, then you’re not going to get very far.

So when you set up a website devoted to this new hobby or passion, regardless of where it

Goes on how successful it is, you now have a way to learn all these skills to get hands-on to practice them and that is going to serve you well no matter what you do.

2 It Will Help You To Connect With Like-Minded People

The second reason to build a business around your passion is, it’s going to help you connect with like-minded people. Let’s say you go to a bar what are the odds? The person sitting next to you has all of the exact same interests and hobbies as you probably not going to happen all that often. Well, all of a sudden let’s say you’ve got a brand let’s say you’ve got a blog people to start finding you because of the thing you’re talking about. So for me, I’ve got this blog website so all of a sudden instead of me having to go seek out writers and people that are passionate about writing, I’ve got people coming to me. They’re sending me emails, commenting on my articles, inviting me to their home courses, and asking for my opinion on quora.

All of a sudden I’ve got this community of people that I would not have had otherwise that I’m not having to do any work to find them because they are all coming to me and once you’ve got that community even if it starts on the internet, it’s amazing these days.

How many of those people turn into real friends, real connections, it has just enriched my life in so many ways.

3 Become Recognized As An Expert

By building a brand around something you love, you become recognized as an expert in that topic, and by being recognized as an expert around a certain topic, that opens up a lot of doors that you might not have otherwise, and so sometimes the best way to get credibility is just to put yourself out there.

So I’m really into writing niche, but if I’m just some random dude that writes, no one’s gonna take my opinion seriously if all of a sudden I start publishing reviews around my writing niche people are going to look at that, and be like oh! This guy clearly knows his stuff. I’m going to trust him, and when people trust you, that opens up many opportunities for your business.

4 Get Paid To Do What You Love

All right, the fourth reason, get paid to do the thing you love. Now there are going to be a lot of things that are associated with doing that thing that in some cases might be a little bit boring they might be a little bit inconvenient, but by and large for instance with my writing website usually, when I’m writing like an eBooks, I’m getting paid or I’m making money or every time someone clicks on my affiliate link and buys that product I’m reviewing, I’m gonna make some money. So honestly, it’s the simplest form that’s one of the best reasons to get started.

5 Turn It Into A Write-Off

Okay, the fifth reason is that not only can you get paid to do it, but you can also turn it into a write-off as well. One of the biggest reasons I decided to start writing in the first place was, I could get some free resources like I submitted my article samples to get approved in IAWPE and I could write off my expenses.

6 You’re Building An Asset

Okay, the next reason to consider building a business around your passion is that you’re building an asset for yourself. So every single blog post you write, every single piece of content you put out there, all of that is building an asset and over time as that asset grows that is something that you could potentially sell over the course. Just as an example, there are tons of niche sites listed on flippa and other sites for sale starting from 100k to 1 million dollars, because they built some community, they build some brand and rapport over the years and that’s going to pay you well over the course of time.

So it’s kind of a write-off, it’s all sorts of great things and then in the end, if you kind of

like I’m sick of this, I’m over it, I’m gonna sell it and someone’s like cool here are a million dollars for your website. Now obviously it takes a ton of work to get to that point, this is something that doesn’t happen overnight but knowing that you’re building an

The asset you’re building is something that you could potentially sell down the future that could

Be your retirement right there. That is enough motivation for me to want to continue working

On it and making it as good as possible. So just something to consider because that’s definitely a big benefit when you compare it to something like freelance writing which is a business you’re

Probably not going to be able to sell in the future.

7 Get Free Stuff

Ok, I don’t want to go into too much detail about this one, but just know you can get a ton of free stuff and a ton of amazing opportunities as your business grows. I mean for instance if you really spend time to create content and create stuff that is going to be valuable to your readers and you build trust and authority you’re going to have so many amazing things come your way that you simply would never be able to experience.

8 Work For Anywhere

Another big reason is you can work from anywhere. I can run my writing business from anywhere, I can run my digital marketing business from anywhere. I can run digital gleams from wherever I want.

And so I can talk about travel, food, and entrepreneurship from anywhere. I can

Do all of these things that have been the crux of what I’ve talked about here and that is truly one of the biggest benefits to having a business around something you love is in most cases you can do it from anywhere, isn’t that stoking one to you?.

9 Passive Income

Okay, next up, two words let’s keep it simple, passive income! We talked earlier about making money, but specifically, let’s talk about passive income because over time if you build a   business you build a brand around something you love, you can make passive income whether it’s through display advertisements on your site, whether it’s through sponsored posts, whether it’s through affiliate sales, whether it’s through creating your own course, your own membership community, there are all sorts of ways you can leverage that to make passive income.

10 Be Your Own Boss

And finally, this maybe should have been first because I can’t imagine my life if it were not for this one thing and that is you get to be your own boss. You get to make the hours you get to decide when you want to work you get to decide what type of content, you’re going to create you get to decide at all.

And there’s a good chance right now, you still earn your day job, you still have a boss but that’s the great thing about this type of business is you can start it in your free time. You can start it small, don’t worry about making money right away. Just create good content and try to be useful and helpful and entertaining for other people.

You’re going to be surprised one day where things go because all of a sudden you might wake up and be like oh man! This little like side project this thing I was doing a couple of hours a week in my free time, all of a  sudden it’s making real money and it can support me and then you might be able to leave your   job and then you truly will be your own boss and

You will be able to do whatever and whenever you want to do.

So to me, that is the most important thing at all that is far more important than the money being able to have your time and do the things that you want to do, when you want to do them.

And that is why I’m here at blogging regime to help other people.

So there you go!

These are really good reasons to build a business around that thing that you love to do. It’s not all perfect, but if you’re on the fence, honestly there’s not a whole lot of harm in getting started especially if it’s a blog, if it’s a content-based business. The only thing you have to do is to spend a couple of bucks for your domain and your hosting account and your time and the potential for where it could go in the future.




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